Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A Word of Admission: I am in love.

For years I decided that I did not need or want romance. I thought that I was independent and enough.

Recently, I have found that attitude disappearing, mostly because I am head over heels in love. God, who works all things together for good, brought us both to the same conclusion independent of each other.

Then, we began to talk to each other and the result is that we are «investing in a long-term relationship that glorifies God.» Some of you might call it dating, but I prefer what I said above.

We are getting counseling and going through Bible concepts of godly relationships together. We have many personality differences, cultural differences and language differences. However, we have one God and we have His Word.

I saw that Rubenita (Rubi) was a person with deep commitment to God, someone who blesses so many lives around her. She shares ministry values and God uses her in a mighty way. She is intelligent, graceful, wise, elegant, lovely, caring, compassionate, and much, much more. I have often told her that she is the most beautiful person I have met both inside and out.

She is a part of the same mission www.ntm.org and we have discussed with the leadership and they have given their blessing to our relationship. Her parents and mine have also been supportive and mostly disappointed that they have to follow the gossip from a distance.

We are talking about the details of a wedding ceremony, but it is really complex with the international flavor of the deal and all the paperwork. Right now, we are talking about the middle of July 2011.

Please pray for us as we seek to glorify God. The churches that we know here are all looking to us as an example and we have asked them for help in counseling as well.

This development has set some other things on hold. I am no longer in Derre and no longer seeking to move into translation or teaching there. Instead, I am exploring options for the mission to be involved in churches in cities to mobilize and help the local churches reach out to the communities around.

The plan is to work on adapting the materials from the Lolo people group to Portuguese and share them with colleagues and pastors. The plan is also to help provide a better picture of what God is doing in local churches in Quelimane and challenge them to cross-cultural ministry.

This change in location and ministry focus has created some adaptation, and I ask for prayers in this regard, and I also ask prayer for clear communication of God's heart for missions here in the city.

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