Saturday, September 17, 2005


Sick of Meaningless Coverage

As the weeks continue to pass, there are real news stories in the world. The endless coverage of miniscule parts of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina is wearying. The news people need to stop congratulating themselves on covering the plight of pets and start looking at real news stories. I have heard little to none on the German elections. I have heard the same on the growing situation with nuclear Iran. Word on China's pending invasion of Taiwan is not out there. More and more news such as this is little mentioned.
This obsession with Katrina, however devastating it may have been has fostered a growing attitude within the nation of centralization of power in our own country. Local responsibility and control has been vested in the presidency. Politicians are making it sound like they can prevent hurricanes and stop all possible dangers in American life. Every action has risk. What moral authority will measure and keep these exuberant bureacratists from overrunning our society?

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