Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Getting Stronger

I had a good check up with the doctor today. He said that the tests today showed no traces of malaria in the blood sample, high iron, out of the danger zone for hemorrhaging, no adverse signs in my liver or pancreas, and healthy all around. I still lost a lot of weight, being on only IV's for several days, plus the heavy wear that malaria puts on the body. He said that I was out of the danger zone for anemia, but that I still have a ways to go to get to normal.

Lord willing I will have about a month to get this growth and rest done that is necessary. In this sense, I will be taking a brief medical furlough to get my full health back. The doctors and medical professionals that I asked (many), said that after treatment, it is best to be out of a malaria zone to recover for about a month to avoid a relapse. I wish I could visit everybody, but I would defeat the purpose of rest, and for that I am really sorry. Lord willing, though, I will be able to spend a month with family before getting back into language and culture study. I will miss an evaluation, but I am talking with my language and culture consultant, and doing what I can to not lose ground.

Please pray for the Lolo people as they continue to hear God's Word. Please pray for me, since my heart is to be there preparing the soil for the planting of the Gospel with the new friends and contacts that I have made, and since that awaits my culture and language acquisition as well, this delay seems a bit discouraging. However, God is in control and has a plan, and He is far wiser than I. Most of all, praise God for the way He drew so many people to pray and care for me while I was so sick (so far I count 14 countries on five continents, and I suspect more: wow). God is working in this world.

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