Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Roller Coaster

The last couple of weeks have been a bit crazy. I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions and events. I was in traveling the muddy roads in the pouring rain to survey ministry opportunities in Zambeze Province. I had a good meeting with team members there about possible allocation. The plan was made to allocate within two weeks. Two weeks later, I am half packed and the paperwork is still in process. I have been trying to tie up loose ends, which is really hard to do when I want to spend more time preparing my mind and heart for the hard battle ahead of language and culture study. Some contingency concerns have been raised about me as a single man working in the village that will not prevent me from going, but have delayed. You have to understand that it is common in this culture for single men (and married men for that matter) to get offers. I have to be careful whenever I am out in public because of this. At any rate, some Mozambican pastor friends are being asked to help establish the relationship with village leaders that will help avoid some of those potential problems. Because of this, my move has been moved back until the month of April. It still looks very certain that I will have the chance to start full fledged language study of Lolo in the next six weeks. Praise the Lord.

As a side note, the city of Nampula is really coming up in the world with just less than a dozen new traffic lights. They have changed the whole look of the city.

Please pray for the allocation process: that wisdom would be evidenced in decisions, that God would be glorified, that testimony would be clear, that all would be done well.
Please pray for continued good health.
Please pray for the teams working among the Lolo, the Mwinika, and the Yao.
Please pray for the Maindo, Tawara, Ngoni, and Makwe people and the field's decisions about allocating new teams in these areas.


Thank you for taking the time to blog when you can and thank you for leaving prayer requests. We are praying for you back in MN and are encouraged greatly by your work. I just put a link to your blog on our new Grace and Truth Bible Church website, it took me a while but I finally got to it. Hope all is well, will be praying for you!

Your brother in Christ,

Chad Stewart
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