Saturday, December 22, 2007


We Shall See

Over the last several months, communication has been really hard with problems on the phone network, increasing power failures, and really bad internet connections. For this reason, the blog has been pretty much off line.
Another reason for my lack of contribution is the fact that I am really hesitant to write on the types of things I used to with news and critiques because I do not want that to get in the way of my work here in Mozambique. The fact is that the African leaders that the West loves to hate are very much loved here and freedom of expression is a little more qualified.
However, the biggest reason has been the lack of sufficient access to the internet. That may have changed. We shall see.
For those of you who are worried, I am doing fine. Christmas is in full swing, and even here where Christmas is not a big deal, it is a big deal and the markets and shops around town have gotten very busy, and prices have gone up on a lot of things. The other thing is that the Metical has gained sufficiently against the dollar, the pound and the euro over the last few weeks. Needless to say (but I'll say it any way) I have plenty of fodder for the theoretical economist in me.
Rainy season has finally arrived. This means rain. Over the last month, the days have started with sun and heat until about noon. Then come the clouds and rain, usually two or three storms and several hours of rain. I know I was in rainy season in Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire, but I just do not remember the rain, since Nebraska is so arid. At any rate, the wierd days are the ones that have clouds and rain in the morning too. In other words, it is wet and rainy. I have to schedule my day around the rain.
God has been good to me to allow me to be here. I have been priveledged to live in an amazing place with an amazing profession and an amazing team.
Please pray for the Lolo people that their hearts would be open to hear God's Word in the next year.
Please pray for the Mwinika people and missionary team to be prepared for literacy and lesson preparation in the near future as well.
Please pray for the Yao people, since our team there has had just a little time to begin studying language and culture.
Please pray for these other people groups that may receive teams in the next year: Maindo, Mwani, Tawara, Ngoni, and others.
Please pray for wisdom as VI organize and decide on these people groups.
Please pray for wisdom as VI seek to initiate a national church ministry as well.

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