Monday, March 27, 2006


The River is Up

There was a little flood trouble this weekend as the rains in the area extended into the weekend, but nothing serious.

I had a double experience this weekend, half good, half bad. I was asked to pray in the church service, and I did without too much difficulty. One of the young people afterward apologized for speaking to me in English, after realizing that I could understand him well in Portuguese. Of course, I still have a little swelling in my head as a result of this. However, that afternoon, one of my apartment colleagues (Portuguese) asked me if he could borrow my cereal bowl. I had no idea what he was talking about. He had to point to it because I was so hopeless to understand what he was saying. He then commented that he had heard me speak Portuguese and thought I knew it. He did not understand why I would not know such a basic word. Ouch. I also was told a Portuguese joke that only works in Portuguese. I understood all the words, but I did not get the joke. It was another humbling reminder that I may be able to say "Heavenly Father we pray that you would give us the grace to worship You in a manner worthy of your glory." I still have a lot of things to learn. This too is a form of worship as I prepare for cross cultural ministry.

Please pray that I would continue to learn.
Please pray for the Rodgers, who are getting ready to move to Mozambique. They have been a great help in getting me here, finding an apartment, and many other things. Pray that the transition would go as smooth as possible.
Please pray for the families in Mozambique studying languages harder than Portuguese that they would succeed by God's grace.

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