Monday, March 13, 2006


In Brief

While tornadoes ripped across the USA and protests and bombs happened around the world, I just went to class and read stories, boring stories. It is good to review, but we still have not really attempted to advance very much in my classes. I was expecting more, but that is yet to come. I continue to extend by studying outside of class. I am learning more and more too by reading news and listening to the radio, but I am really happy to have a good church with Christian friends who can teach me as well.

I am trying to upload some pictures of the leitão, but I do not know if it will work. If you remember, it is a local specialty that I was able to eat a couple weeks ago. If you cannot see them, there are little links where the text is indented that will give you a big version for your pleasure.

Please pray that all the folks here in Portugal will be able to continue to learn Portuguese.
Please pray for the teams in Mozambique as they learn language, build relationships, and search for the proper vocabulary to present the Gospel.

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