Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Please, Take a Break From the News

I tuned into the news today, and I wondered why. Tom Delay was still resigning as leader of the House Republicans (didn't he do that months ago). Bush was still resolute about going into Iraq (something true for hum three or four years). The Democrats are still screeching about global warming and promoting a socialist agenda (since the 1960's). The Chinese are still Communists, covering up one disaster after another (beginning with the little red book). The Middle East is still full of terrorists (beginning, let's say, in the time of Job). It is cold in the north, and warm in the tropics (since the time of Noah). Some disease is trying to take over the world (garden of Eden).

In short, I love to be informed on current events, but they tend to be a bit over valued. I have enjoyed a few days without reading the headlines and trying to figure out how to solve the world's problems. In fact, I know I cannot. I can only be a light to those around me. By focusing on the world's problems, we can get so lost on the bad that we fail to enjoy the life God has given us.

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