Tuesday, November 22, 2005



I had a bit of a breakthrough last week. My neighbor and I talked for about an hour in Portuguese. I did not think that I had enough Portuguese to do it, but it happened. Well, he did most of the talking. He had to correct my verbs all the time. I had to describe things rather than name them. I speak even slower in Portuguese than I do in English. All of these things contributed to making the conversation longer than it probably should have been. In fact, I almost missed the train for a dinner with a couple families.

Which brings me to my next bit of news. I expected to just skip the Thanksgiving holiday here, but that is what I almost missed. The Mozambique team here, though mostly non-American (Dutch, South African, Northern Irish) was happy for an excuse to fellowship in thanks to God for bringing us all here together safely and in good health. It was our own little pioneer experience.

Which brings me to my thought for the day. Missionary work is inherently pioneering. Foreign missionaries leave their homes, families, jobs, and dreams and exchange them for other homes, families, jobs, and dreams. Domestic missionaries often do the same. Some missionaries never leave their homes, families, or jobs. They keep right on working, but God always changes the dreams. He takes a pagan like Abram, changes his theology, and thereby makes his whole life move in a different direction. In Abram's case, he changed his name to Abraham, and sent him on a lifelong journey that seemed for all intents and purposes to be a pointless wandering. We have been studying Job in Sunday School class. I do not catch everything in class, since it is in Portuguese, but it has been interesting to note how that God's work in Job's life was to this end as well. He did leave his family, he lost them. He did not leave his business, but all of his assets were stolen or destroyed. In short, all he had left was his home and his dreams. What with his wife telling him to curse God, his home does not seem too great, and with nothing left his dreams had little value. God changed that by personally teaching Job of his greatness through all his trials, and providing again for Job what he needed through the suffering and after. Job's life direction was changed. He had lived for the Lord before. Now, he lived through the Lord, rather he sought to have the Lord live through him. How has God made you know His call? Please post an answer.

God has made his call evident through His Word, Prayer and His peace.
Well, we ended up having to cancel school here for one more day, thanks to the traditional Thanksgiving blizzard. There was one problem, it snowed everywhere but here. O well, I guess we'll just have to enjoy the bitter cold winds. I got just about all my christmas decorations up, and we finally do get back to school tomorrow. ~ Pierre
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