Tuesday, June 28, 2005


President Bush

Nebraska Public Television is a Left Wing Propaganda Machine. Evidence number one, they refuse to carry any speech by the President. This night is not the first night. A recurring pattern of relegating major speeches such as this to secondary cable feeds and recaps by their left leaning news magazines. For the past several days these "journalists" have been attempting to speak for the president. They have outlined what they think he needs to say on issues from the war in Iraq to Social Security, to taxes, to even healthcare. They just finished hosting a push for socialized medicine reminiscent of "hillary care." In this series, they attempted to sway Christians like me with a patronizing reference to the fifth commandment. That could be a whole separate discussion. For the past several days the public broadcasting services have interviewed people who made claims of outrage from the idea that Sadaam treated the people better than the present Iraqi government to the idea that Al Qaeida will dissolve if the operations cease today. How unfair it is that they claim independence, yet without leaving the president opportunity to speak for himself! They carried more Bill Clinton, more Al Gore, and more John Kerry than they carry President Bush. This leftist trend in the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications system is a taint on what has been an otherwise great speech.

President Bush has had the traditional verbal blunders. His delivery is not the greatest, but his message was great. He argued for the war on the basis of taking the war to the terrorists. He listed the gathering threat of a terrorist, Islamisist community. He outlined the objectives of seeing the process of Iraq's building through. He called on worthy and willing members of society to join the effort. His message was clear and forthright.

The basic tenet of the President's "War on Terror" is that we can win the war on terror in two ways. The immediate threat of terror is being dealt with as we see car bombings in Iraq, and the terrorists there are being rounded up or killed. The long term threat is managed through the spreading of freedom. As the elections took hold in Iraq, the threat to terrorists as a valid part of their society was given a look into their future—they have none.

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